Friday, February 15, 2008

See You in Phoenix!

Our Peoples Convention is scheduled for June 9-14, 2008.
There will be two dedicated sessions for Teachers. The Teachers Forum will be on the first day and include a session by Rev. Billings discussing the history of Teachers in the Unity movement.
On Friday the 13th we will have a second session looking towards the future and how Teachers continue to grow the Unity movement.
The session will include time for you to develop strategies to get the word out on your classes & activities. Part of the program New Media for New Thought, will explore how Teachers are and can use podcasts, blogs, and other social network technology.
I look forward to seeing you there. More to come.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Teacher Ministry Team

This is our team who attended the Mid Year meetings.
We had a great time reconnecting and discussing how the Strategic plan and new creative teams being started need input and participation from the Licensed Teacher Community.
This is your opportunity to be involved in supporting the Unity Movement and your fellow teachers.
Please pray about how you can be involved.
More to follow...
In Unity

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ash Wednesday

We begin our Journey through Lent. I have a blog for this journey check it out here.

What are you doing to deepen your journey in spirit?
