Monday, February 02, 2009

Unity Teacher & Healer.

Charles Fillmore wrote that it was his desire to have students develop into Unity teachers and healers so that they may minister to their own families and to those in their communities.

In this month dedicated to love what better way to express our being as Unity Teachers than to be healers in our families and communities.

Divine energy enlivens my mind and body.
I am refreshed and renewed.

My body and mind are filled to overflowing with healing energy. I am a true reflection of the divine rejuvenation that is continually taking place within me.

That's how I feel. I'm enthused with a renewed sense of exuberance and strength.
Refreshed, I am aware that divine energy is flowing to and from every cell, organ, and part of my being.

As an expression of unlimited life and wellness, I affirm that divine life and love are active within me. I celebrate and delight in my health and renewal. Vibrating with effervescent life, my cells function in wondrous ways to reflect my wellness. Thankful for the abundance of God's love and caring, I am vitally alive, energetic, and enthusiastic.

"With you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light."
--Psalm 36:9

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