Sunday, October 04, 2015

Fr John Main OSB, “Religious Love,”

Fr John Main OSB, “Religious Love,” THE WAY OF UNKNOWING (New York: Crossroad, 1990), pp. 115-116.

By opening our hearts to love at the deepest and most silent level of our being, we are not repressing human knowledge or rejecting human values or relationships. On the contrary, all of these are enlightened; that is, we see them in a new light, in a transcendent light. We see a new light in them. The extraordinary thing about the Christian message is that this light is not less than the light of Christ, the light who is Christ. The call to us to enter this light is for each of us to know from our own experience. . . .that Christ’s light shines in our hearts and that the first task of our life is to be open to it, to be bathed in it, to be made whole in it and so see with it. [. . . .] Meditation is our journey to that light. 

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