Monday, October 25, 2021



"Aspiration #7"
by Swami Veda Bharati
Would you rather be little or would you choose to be large?
Would you rather have only the twinkle of your eye
or would you rather have the sun?
Would you rather only dwell in that sound
which the limited space of your ear can grasp
or would you choose to be the entire space
in which all sounds become one OM? --
-- that one OM from which all the other sounds
then diversify and become many.

(From, Offerings:Inspirations, circa 2000/2001)

Saturday, September 04, 2021

Set aside time each day for prayer.

 Begin your quiet time by relaxing your body

opening your mind to an awareness of God.

Breathe Deeply, 

knowing that you are in the presence of God and 

The presence of God is within you.

Let go of your concerns and

know that all is well.

Love The highest of all....

 When one's whole being is saturated with the idea of love from head to foot, then every pore of the body becomes alive to cosmic consciousness...

The highest of all religions and all practices is love.

-H.H.S. Swami Rama-

(The Ancient Traveler Writings on Love, pages 70-71)

Sunday, March 14, 2021


“The prime means to end the dysfunctional dynamics of the human family is to introduce a change in all minds through an education that instills a sense of peace, so that the basic urge and peace may find its fullest expression and satisfaction.”

 Swami Veda Bharati, (The Human Urge for Peace), P. 121